The Conservative Who Turned White Anxiety Into a Movement | Pat Buchanan made white Republicans fear becoming a racial minority.

Posted by Independent-Low-2398


  1. Independent-Low-2398 on

    Pat Buchanan was to the modern anti-immigration movement what Anita Bryant was to the anti-gay movement or Jerry Falwell was to the anti-choice movement. He ran in the GOP primary in ’92 and ’96. He had a famous quote that “the biggest vacuum in American politics was to the right of Reagan” and correctly understood that the red-hot core of the American conservatism movement is white Christian conservatives’ fear of white Christians becoming a minority in the US (itself closely related to concepts like white vulnerability and group status threat).

    I often hear talk of “preachers” having taken over the GOP and while to some extent that’s true, I think the Buchanan strand having taken over fits better. There are an enormous number of conservatives who don’t care about Christianity besides its aesthetics, or even at all, but who go ballistic when thinking about large numbers of Latinos (mostly Christians, as many have pointed out!) immigrating to America.


  2. Strength-Certain on

    There’s an old saying that homophobic straight men worry about gay men because they worry about gay men treating them like they treat women.

    White conservatives fear becoming a minority because they fear being treated the same way that they treat minorities.

  3. I don’t think you can blame Buchanan specifically for bringing up this idea. I think someone else would have eventually said the same and made an issue of it

  4. Both this chode’s white grievance politics and Gingrich’s toxic language were the right combination for the GOP’s transformation for the worse

    A marriage made in hell, if you will

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