A lot of people, especially on this sub, don't seem to possess an intricate understanding of the two factions within American politics. There is the globalist superpower which spreads democracy far and wide, and there is the Republic with an America-first policy.

The assassination attempts on Trump's life are taken right out of the globalist playbook. First they try to bribe and coerce, then they try to threaten and entrap, then they try to assassinate, and if that fails they send in the troops and the bombs.

The playbook is outlined extremely well by John Perkins in his first hand memoirs titled "Confessions of an Economic Hitman". It's available for free on audible and YouTube and is very much worth the read.


Listen to Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/B002UZN1EU?source_code=ASSORAP0511160007



My generation, those born in the 1980's and after, only ever saw the globalist superpower. Trump is the first president in my lifetime who represents the Republic.

The other side, the globalist superpower spreading democracy far and wide, would best be represented by Dick Cheney.

I recall whispers in the media about Trump being offered huge sums of money not to run earlier this year. Then we saw the threats and entrapment play out in the courts and the media. When those bribes and lawsuits failed to stop him, the assassination attempts began.

Listen to what Perkins has to say about places like Panama, Bolivia, and Ecuador and you can watch the exact same playbook being employed in present day Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world.

This is the unfortunate reality in which we live today. We've been fooled, for a very long time. The most difficult part about breaking that cycle is coming to terms with the fact that you have been used, taken for a fool, and have lied to yourself.

Here's Patrick Bet David explaining Perkins first book in summary. Does the last part hit close to home for anyone else?


Posted by whats_good_is_bad


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