Just another covid variant to be jabbed too. Saw this while I was scrolling news. I honestly can't believe they're still trying to get their money's worth out of fear mongering covid still.
I guess monkey pox didn't scare enough of the masses..

The conspiracy ya they're still trying to get ppl afraid of covid.

Posted by w1ndyshr1mp


  1. It’s so weak by now that if it’s even true it’s only giving ppl the sniffles. Every so called new variant is weaker than one before. It’s kinda the nature of how things work. But it is very odd a virus has mutated 18 times since they released it from the lab, oh I mean since some guy got it from eating a bat or wherever they said it came from.

  2. Tell me you don’t know how viruses evolve without telling me you don’t know how viruses evolve. Wait until you find that each time you get the flu is a different strain

  3. I’ve got it, feel nauseous and aching but carried out normal daily routine, not worth shutting the world down for…

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