Vivek delivers brilliant speech on how Kamala doesn't believe or stand for anything outside of simply being a mouthpiece for the 4th branch of govt – the unelected beaurocrats and media heads who actually are running the show

That's why you see chumps like Dick Cheney supporting her – this was never about Republicans vs Democrats, this is about the haves vs the have-nots

Posted by Eighth_Acct_Ban


  1. Eighth_Acct_Ban on

    Republicans and Democrats don’t matter. It’s just to keep us divided while they pillage our country in front of our eyes.

    You’re either benefiting from the current status quo, or you’re not. 99% of us aren’t. A vote for Kamala is a vote for the status quo. She doesn’t stand for anything. She changes her accents depending on her audience, she’s against fracking until she’s in a swing state that depends on it for jobs, she’s tough on crime with words but let’s 20 million illegal immigrants across our borders.

    Nothing that comes out of her mouth matters

  2. > this is about the haves vs the have-nots

    and Trump and Vivek, the billionaires, represent the have-nots? L M A O

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