Biden Must Let Zelenskiy Bomb Putin to the Negotiating Table

Posted by TinyTornado7


  1. NSRedditShitposter on

    >*The author was arrested on September 15, 2024 for attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump.*

  2. Nah. He should take things at the pace he and his most knowledgeable insiders advise him to. A miscalculation means millions, even 10′s or 100′s of millions more people die even outside of Ukraine; that’s a lot of weight for someone to take on not just for his country, but the entire world. And while obviously every one else can kind of just treat this as a game or sideshow, he has to take it seriously and consider the consequences.

    He watched Obama get boxed in by his generals on Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which proved to be absolutely terrible decisions. Trump straight up took the reigns off the military and civilian casualties skyrocketed while transparency went down.

    Patient Civilian leadership is more important than ever. Kamala Harris will continue that.

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