Lue Elizondo resigned from his Pentagon government job ONE DAY after final MH370 raport ending the investigation was released.

Posted by CharlieStep


  1. Hell of a fucking coincidence if you ask me.
    Hell of a accidental if so framing in his book as well:

    IMMINENT – Page 191:
    Nonchallantly drops “we had investigated a predator video”
    Several Pages later on page 201:
    He drops the reasons for leaving the pentagon office. Citing departments unwillingness to research tactical threats.

    A dude on a government job investigating aerial threats, Definitely proffesionally interested why a plane might go missing. MH370 videos prolly need no introduction, they’ve been fucking all over reddit.

    In his book, he first casually mentions a predator video – and just after describes his reasons for leaving Pentagon. Leaves office a day after Australian government releases the final raport that basically said “we dont know” and ended the Investigation.

  2. Wtf is “Differed” retirement?

    Is this a real term in use by the federal government? A typo? 

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