Getting into character?

Posted by surubao


  1. SS

    PolitiFACT question: “A video shows an actor “getting into character before his press interview less than 24 hours after the supposed killing of his 6-year-old daughter.”

    PolitiFACT answer: “Parker laughed, not because he was an actor getting to character, but because he was nervous and didn’t know how to start talking to reporters, the Post said. Parker’s dad was standing nearby and encouraged him, using a childhood nickname that prompted the laugh.“

  2. UniqueImprovements on

    “You want me to start?”

    *proceeds to do breathing exercises to mimic hyperventilating to trigger anxious/upset states of beings*

    I, for one, don’t think SH was some government hoax for gun control or whatever the fuck like Alex Jones believes. But I will die on the hill that Robbie Parker is 100% acting here. No parent that just lost a child would act this smug and jovial and use exercises literally taught to actors. And miss me with the “bUt evERyoNe grIEves dIFfeReNtly” bullshit.

  3. Sir, you have just been assessed a fine of 
    $1,000,000,000. Due by the end of the month. Also, you are now canceled and are sentenced to working at Taco Bell, and only Taco Bell for the rest of your life. Better get to work. 

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