Hillary Clinton Calls Trump ‘Danger to Our Country’ After 2nd Assassination Attempt

Posted by mewybummy


  1. Have to admit, I really don’t like her. Trump saved us from a Killary presidency and we are all better off for it. It’s a shame she wasn’t convicted of her crimes.

    Today Dem party is a real danger to the country. Biden-Harris admin claim ‘Trump is a threat to democracy” yet they would rather emulate communist dictatorship policies, persecuting political opponents and whistleblowers, and abandoning their fellow Americans abroad, as Hillary did.

  2. crazy idea here, but perhaps the psychopath who was inspired by biden/harris rhetoric to attempt to murder a former (and potentially future) us president is the danger to our country.

  3. As much as the left claim “Trump is a danger to democracy” they seem to be unable to articulate those dangers.

    Meanwhile here are just a few things the Left supports:

    Restricting free speech to only apply to what the government approves.

    Jailing political opponents and protesters.

    Running a nationwide censorship and surveillance system.

    Central bank digital currency and a social credit score.

    Politically affiliated and financially supported gangs that commit violence and intimidation to affect political change.

    The collusion between private enterprise and government to force a society to follow a unified political orthodoxy. 

    Mail in ballot Elections conducted without oversight of voter identification.

  4. Old windbag needs to STFU. They and their media puppets created the radical leftists hell bent on violence.

  5. Less than 24 hours after the second attempt on his life.
    The response from the media and left is trying to normalize this.  He’s actually supposed threat to democracy or whatever nonsense they’ve cooked up in their demented brains.  So he brought this on himself and deserves it.  

    You know for a fact about huge section of the left would celebrate his death.  How do you coexist with that evil?

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