Just a reminder that we are being poisoned by food we are consuming. Most foods people consume today are highly processed science experiments with like 20 ingredients of food dyes, coloring, preservatives, additives to increase taste and shelf life all crammed into like 1 food item that should have like 1 or 2 ingredients. This is making people sick and making pharma rich.

Food is quite literally medicine. All different kinds of Whole Foods have different micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals that run many physiological processes in the body. Vitamin c from oranges provide a healthy immune system and have antioxidants, bananas have melatonin that can aid in sleep. If you have a headache hydration fruits like watermelons and oranges are great for that. Hydration fruits with fiber like watermelons can act at laxatives if your constipated. Healthy fats from fish and nuts aid hormonal function and brain function. This is just to name a few. Get your supplements from Whole Foods, don’t buy supplements. Stop being sold upside the head.

Read the labels of these processed garbage people are eating. They are like empty calories essentially. They have carbs, fats, and proteins but no nutrients. This is why people feel like dog shit. If you want to feel good again, start eating nutrient dense Whole Foods.

Posted by Adept_Blackberry2851

1 Comment

  1. Adept_Blackberry2851 on

    Ss: Stop eating for taste. Eat for function. The dopamine hit ain’t worth it to live life feeling your on your last leg all the time.

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