First Roy Cohn, then Epstein and Now Sean Combs- What an Amazing Co-inki-dink!

Posted by Malthust

1 Comment

  1. SS: Just for grins, let’s review the Epstein links…

    * DT himself was listed in Epstein’s “little black book” and marked by staff as someone who knew about the trafficking.
    * DT’s daughter is also listed in the book.
    * DT’s Labor Secretary is the guy who intervened to get Epstein a sweetheart deal instead of hard prison time.
    * DT’s Campaign Chief was still visiting Epstein at home right up until his arrest.
    * DT’s Treasury Secretary was listed as the only representative for a company owned by Epstein’s business partner Brunel.
    * DT’s Attorney General had family relationships with Epstein going back decades. His father got Epstein his first real job…as a school teacher.
    * DT’s White House attorney once literally said, in print, that Epstein was his “best friend.”
    * DT owned the world’s biggest teen beauty pageant and was accused of perving backstage by multiple contestants.
    * DT admitted on national radio that he liked to go backstage at his pageants to perv on the contestants.
    * DT has been accused of sexual abuse by literally dozens of women.
    * A jury of DT’s peers heard one of these cases in detail and decided that the evidence suggest he did it, and he was responsible for paying for the damages he caused.
    * The Quanon psyop was running at the same time that the material above was coming to light- convincing people that DT is an “anti-groomer hero.”

    But never mind.

    As always, “nothing to see here…”

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