Why isn’t cymatics taught in schools?

Posted by Segundaleydenewtonnn


  1. Segundaleydenewtonnn on

    SS: if you don’t know what cymatics are, [blow your mind](https://youtu.be/wvJAgrUBF4w?si=E8DYQIk1BMTpJBpq).

    Also check out this [one](https://youtu.be/wvJAgrUBF4w?si=E8DYQIk1BMTpJBpq)

    So basically sound can reshape things, this is science, a fact of physics, not a crazy conspiracy theory, and it is at the very least an incredibly interesting topic, not that hard to replicate, so why isn’t this topic taught in schools?

    Also there is this japanese doctor [Masaru Emoto](https://youtu.be/P78VZzaHDVA?si=4HZgsORtHA425StH) that proved ice crystals change their shape with positive and bad words (beautiful shapes and chaotic shapes respectively)

    What do you think of that topic?

    My personal belief is that the actual power of sound is beyond just air moving in the space. The actual “pattern” of sound, intention, and the receptor (us) do matter and it may be “hidden” or protected knowledge

  2. Icanfallupstairs on

    Because outside of artistic endeavors, the average person is never going to see any practical application for it. It would just a simple “look at this cool thing” example.

  3. Great music track

    It’s is a bit in physic as standing waves(the flames and the tube) or as a vibrating strings or as a rotation in fluids that creates geometric patterns.

    Why Nature Loves Hexagons


    Seeing Sound With Sand | Soundwaves: The Symphony Of Physics | BBC Earth Science

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