Harris said police could “walk into” the home of a legal gun owner for inspection

Posted by thatrightwinger


  1. thatrightwinger on

    Dems and leftists already hate the first and second amendments: no reason for them to value the fourth amendment at all.

  2. This is all part of their plan. They’ll claim ‘We’re not taking away the 2nd!’ yet will do everything to make it such a physical, emotional, and financial burden to dwindle the numbers down. NY/CA has already done this with the hoops to jump through just to get a permit, NICS checks on ammo purchases, extra fees, live fire training requirements, and they are toying with the idea of required firearms insurance policies. Now add this to the mix? Fuck that. Again, how does this stop criminals from breaking the law?!?!?! IT DOESN’T! They always target the law abiding gun owners. Shove that policy where the sun don’t shine Shamala.

  3. This is her exact quote:

    “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible.”

    Normally an article headline will be a bit hyperbolic but in this case, she literally said it.

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