Another victim of the 'rare' blood clots we keep hearing about, except they aren't so 'rare' anymore.

Posted by SolutionLong2791


  1. SuspiciousWarning184 on

    That’s why you never go to hospital alone. Never let them inject you with anything without your informed consent, no matter how much they insist. If it’s not something critical, I rather not take any injections at all in the hospital. In the States and thanks to Trump, the Covid bioweapon jab manufacturers have blanket immunity from being held liable for the harm their Frankenstein products cause.

  2. Wow, died at 27 and on April 20th. My conspiracy bingo card is almost full. Any chance he was a British intelligence officer too? 🤞

  3. So yous are kinda getting the jab had serious side effects for n exceptionally small amount of people, and there’s basically nothing to worry about now for the ones who did get it now? This is from 2021.

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