Was the internet better in 1999-2012 than it is now?

I think youtube had it's golden period about 7 years ago. Then suddenly everything became fake thumbnails and people just talking about other peoples videos talking about other peoples videos commenting about something that happened in an interview, that cannot be found anywhere in full lenght. They even got rid of DMs on YouTube to funnel folks to Instagram and Facebook Messenger.

Posted by Dimitri_Ostende

1 Comment

  1. Dimitri_Ostende on


    I really enjoyed how huge the internet was and how you had all these specialized sites with their own individual communities where emphasis was put on individuality. Nowadays, all you really go to is a handful of social media platforms that sometimes lead you to a website. Sure, it’s convenient that Twitter combines everything into one streamlined app, but it was nice going to a website dedicated to one topic.

    And not to mention all of this was free. I remember surfing countless sites with home made animations, videos and games. People made this content because they truly enjoyed it- not to generate views or clicks for clout. Newgrounds and flowgo were a few of my favorites. Anyone remember coffeebreakgames.com? These sites were full of all hilarious and original content that was all for free. Rotten.com?

    Now I can’t even turn on my TV without being bombarded with ads trying to get me to sign up for useless subscriptions and buy their useless shit. Damn I miss when the internet was a way for people to express their individuality and creativity. I was a kid in the early 2000s and felt so fortunate I got to experience the Golden age of the internet before it turned into strictly propaganda and commerce. RIP

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