The Growing Toll of America’s $1 Billion Kratom Industry

Posted by neolthrowaway


  1. [YouTube | Bloomberg deep dive mini documentary on the growing Kratom market](

    Drug regulation/deregulation needs to be done on a substance by substance basis and Kratom seems like something that needs a lot more regulation.

    People have no idea about its effects, side effects, addiction potential, or overdose consequences. Yet, at the same time it seems to be available at random gas stations at arbitrary concentrations with no information or warnings. I am not even sure if there’s any age restrictions on it.

    There are also some derivatives of Kratom that act like opioids with higher strength than morphine/heroin.

    !ping Health-policy

  2. Kratom’s one of those drugs where the consumer base basically use the fact its understudied and isn’t heroin to justify telling everyone it’s health neutral.

  3. Leave people the fuck alone. So many people would be dead or have no quality of life without kratom.

    Educate people and mitigate harms, sure. But there’s a huge dark money push to ban kratom and make sure it can’t compete with mainstream pharmaceuticals. Don’t be a useful idiot in service of that crap.

  4. Fr when are we going to crack down on this? I see it everywhere and it’s clearly a pretty hardcore/addictive drug. Regulators need to catch up

  5. I was addicted to it for a couple years when I was in my early 20s and it was a bitch to quit. I’m sure I wouldn’t have gotten hooked on it if it wasn’t readily available.

    But at the same time, I know people use it to get themselves off stronger opiates, and I don’t know if those people would make the jump if it wasn’t so easy to get.

    I would hate it if dumbasses like 21 year old me who fuck around and get dependent on it end up causing a lifeline to get removed for people who are in a much worse spot.

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