Tech Billionaires Attempt Takeover of Northern California ~ Sue Farmers Trying to Hold onto Their Land. They want to build their own private city in Solano County, and they’re crushing farmers with lawsuits to do it. Local activists delayed them but the fight has just begun.

Posted by missscarlett1977


  1. missscarlett1977 on

    Why the post is relevant to the sub: Tech billionaires attempted to conceal their identity in creating a hostile takeover of local farmers who own the land in Solano County. Billionaires are trying to build a protected city by suing these farmers and forcing them to go broke in legal fees. Media is not covering this story or exposing the illegal activity involved in taking land away from local land owners.

  2. I concur with OP this is an interesting topic.

    I live here and follow this story. OPs headline is sensationalist. NorCal is bigger than half the states in the Union. This is hundreds of acres in one of dozens of counties in NorCal.

    The proposed city is not private.

    The proposal has been shelved. They will not accomplish their goal.

    For context, the land is ill-suited for humans. Hilly, windy AF, isolated. Between Vallejo and Fairfield for those who wanna see it on a map.

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