It's all real. Whether or not you believe in the metaphysical, these folks do. He's reading "My Pet Goat" upside down by the way. The symbolism is insane. They show us everything if we had the eyes to see. Not to mention the countless other symbolic elements in the 9/11 attacks (think; pillars of hermes or the two pillars of boaz and jachim, the freemasons favorite allegory) (inducing self defenestration is the most powerful form of ritual sacrifice) (flight 77, flight 11, flight 93)

edit; he flipped it upside down before they began the chant. (it was deliberate)

for everyone ready to lambast this post; go read Christine Lagarde (head of ECB), speech on numerology. they love this crap.

Posted by WorldlinessVisual888


  1. cogoutsidemachine on

    9/11 in itself was a dark occultist ritual as a step towards the new world order. everything in this world since then has been worse because that’s what the luciferians want. they rule through fear and illusion and any notion of the truth coming out is a threat to them

  2. Yeah, and Skull & Bones’ number 322 shows up a lot.

    It’s 322 days between George H.W. Bush’s death on 11/30/18 and Event 201 coronavirus exercise on 10/18/19.

    World Military Games took place in Wuhan from October 18–27, 2019.

    **The mysterious notes at GHW Bush’s funeral**

    I think it’s possible Bush wanted to have Event 201 322 days after his death. Sort of his last wish. Then the notes at his funeral were to let the “elites” know about Covid-1984/Great Reset.

    * Biden received his first “Covid vaccine” on 12/22/20 at exactly 3:22pm EST on the winter solstice during the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.

    **Johns Hopkins**, one of the [Covid corona simulation party planners]( and “official” Covid data compilers, has been **connected to The Order since 1876.**

    Hopkins’ first president was “Bonesman” Daniel Coit Gilman.

    * Oprah Winfrey said she didn’t leave her house for “322 days” during the plandemic.

    * The Georgia Guidestones were opened to the public on 3/22 1980.

    * The Guidestones were destroyed on July 6, 2022.

    * July 6, 2022 was George W. Bush’s 76th birthday.

    * Oddly enough, the Jonestown massacre occurred on day 322 back in 1978.

    Mr. Skull & Bones, George HW Bush, was [CIA Director up until Jan. 1977.](
    Make of that what you will with regard to potential involvement in the planning process. Jim Jones was an alleged CIA asset.

    Future VP Dan Quayle was invited to Jonestown by his friend congressman Leo Ryan. Quayle declined and Ryan was killed in Jonestown.

    Quayle and Mike Pence were close with not only GHW Bush, but also OSS/CIA spy, politician and mogul Dr. Beurt SerVass.

  3. ACLU_EvilPatriarchy on

    Khazaria was only around the 7th or 8th Century AD and any migrations out even into Eastern Europe and later Western Europe were Centuries later.

    Ashkenazi, Roman, Sephardics, India and Babylonian Middle Easterns have been around since the 1st thru 6th Centuries.

    Anglo Saxon Israelitism is making a mountain of majority BS out of a molehill of earlier facts.

  4. Legal_Beginning471 on

    The Khazarians are the ones running modern day Israel. Not actual ethnic jews. They call themselves ashkenazi jews, but only because they were forced by Russia to take on an accepted religion in place of satanism.

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