‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum

Posted by LikeaTreeinTheWind


  1. omnipotentsandwich on

    The first rule of being online is to never have your secret account share a name with any of your mainstream accounts. It’s always a recipe for disaster.

  2. LikeaTreeinTheWind on

    Get that f*cking commie bastard off the National Mall!,” Robinson wrote about the dedication of the memorial to King in Washington, DC.

    “I’m not in the KKK. They don’t let blacks join. If I was in the KKK I would have called him Martin Lucifer Koon!” Robinson responded.

  3. turb0_encapsulator on

    I don’t see the problem with this. He should definitely stay the Republican nominee for Governor and de facto Trump associate in North Carolina.

  4. Ok-Armadillo-2119 on

    This is honestly less of a revelation than the fact he paid for an abortion or is a Holocaust denier. I’m not stunned that he’s a self-loathing anti-black racist, homophobe, creep, or considers himself a Nazi.


    * Identified as the user ‘minisoldr” on Nude Africa
    * In his profile, ‘minisoldr’ listed his full name as “mark robinson” and disclosed a private email address Robinson used elsewhere online. Username also used elsewhere online, with accounts linked to Robinson.
    * [personal note: Why would you use your main username, much less your ***real name***, on a sex website!?]
    * Robinson:
    * “I sat there for about an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered… I went peeping again the next morning”
    *  “I like watching t*** on girl porn! That’s f*cking hot!”
    * “Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few”
    *  “I’d take Hitler over any of the sh*t that’s in Washington right now!”
    * Robinson’s comments on Nude Africa often frequently contained derogatory and racial slurs directed at Black, Jewish and Muslim people.
    * Robinson disparaged Martin Luther King. When a user accused him of being in the KKK, Robinson responded by directing a slur at King.
    * Robinson used the antisemitic slur “h***” when discussing how he liked the show “Good Times”
    * While discussing the Taliban, he referred to Muslims as “little rag-headed bastards”
    * Robinson also used homophobic slurs frequently, calling other users f*gs.

    Robinson’s response: “We are not getting out of this race. There are people who are counting on us to win this race,”

  6. Mark Robinson may seem like a run-of-the-mill MAGA republican. In reality, however, he is black.

  7. Stunning lack of opsec to use an account associated with your name, PII, and picture to be racist and admit to being a peeping tom and then run for governor with all of this out there.

  8. His denial is funny. Called it AI, quoted Clarence Thomas saying it’s a high tech “lynching”. Meanwhile these were going back to 2008. So he’s claiming someone back in 2008 was doing this with all his personal details and email account.

    This is Roy Moore level scandal and he’s toast.

  9. Ah yes, nothing screams “fit for public office” like a solid history of wholesome porn forum discussions.

  10. > CNN is reporting only a small portion of Robinson’s comments on the website given their graphic nature.

    Oh fuck off, man.

  11. Dunter_Mutchings on

    Signing up for any forum using your actual name is already pretty dumb, doing it on a porn forum is absolutely deranged.

  12. Multi_21_Seb_RBR on

    I still think Stein has a great chance at winning if Robinson drops out since he’s such a strong candidate on his own right, but hopefully Robinson does stay in since he’s definitely a way easier candidate to beat (even without this story) and there would be clear downballot effects too including Jeff Jackson winning and also Dems being able to prevent Republicans from gaining a supermajority.

    Makes me think Republicans were the ones who leaked the story, since I would think Democrats wouldn’t want to leak this story this soon.

  13. LakrauzenKnights on

    Bro, is every accusation actually a confession? What percentage of transphobic republicans are secretly jerking off to trans porn in their spare time?

  14. >“We are not getting out of this race. There are people who are counting on us to win this race,” Robinson said.

    Bless you, brave soldier.

  15. j4kefr0mstat3farm on

    I feel like optimal timing for publishing this story was a few days after the deadline to withdraw from the race.

  16. tryingtolearn_1234 on

    And yet in the latest polling Robinson is losing but still getting between 40-42% of the vote.

  17. I would be so owned if NC Dems won the gubernatorial race, broke the state house and state senate supermajority, and went blue for the first time since 2008 because of this.

    Actually an interesting test if reverse coattails work during presidential election years.

  18. The fact that CNN says it censored the worst parts of this story really makes me want to know what other crazy shit this lunatic said on a porn forum.

  19. How TF did the national GOP miss this and not blackmail the guy out of the race months ago? Is it because all of their resources went to Trump’s legal funds?

  20. >Robinson discussed his love of transgender porn

    They always do. They understand it through their own sexualized lens and view it as deviance

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