This needs wider coverage! Unbelievable a candidate clearly admits using the just-us system to harass and intimidate political opponents.

Posted by ketheryn


  1. Was this a dog whistle, or not?


    Sometimes people tell us what they’re doing by lying about what they’re NOT doing.

  2. She is talking about the incredible amount of power prosecutors have and making sure you use the power responsibly and when appropriate, because mistakes or carelessness ruin people’s lives.

    That’s probably how I want prosecutors to think.

  3. > Unbelievable a candidate clearly admits using the just-us system to harass and intimidate political opponents

    This speech was about recognizing how much power politicians have and *avoiding abusing it*. There’s no admission of abusing the system or intimidating political opponents. That’s just a flat out lie.

    Here are the following sentences which have been clipped out from the video: “I was just a lowly deputy DA. We have a person in the white house who holds the office of president of the United States, who does not fully, or even partially, understand what it means to have power. Let’s be clear about that. He goes around swinging what he thinks is his power, but he does not understand what it means to be powerful. When you truly understand what it means to be powerful, you understand that the greatest measure of your strength is not who you beat down, it is who you lift up.” Full speech available here:

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