‘Seinfeld’ star says new Watergate doc proves that Nixon was ‘railroaded’: ‘Didn’t get his day in court’

Posted by EntranceCrazy918

1 Comment

  1. EntranceCrazy918 on

    If you want a real red pill moment, look into what actually happened. Listen to Nixon’s tapes. Read the investigative committee documents. It’s immediately clear Nixon did NOT order the break in at the Watergate Hotel. He asks his staff if anyone authorized the FBI to carry this out; he suspected almost immediately the intelligence agencies were involved. I was lied to throughout my public education implicating Nixon as being in charge of the crime. I’m sure I wasn’t alone.

    I’ve gone back and listened to and read a lot of what Nixon had to say. The Democrat guardrails about how you’re supposed to view Nixon really do come off. Nixon immediately suspected he was being railroaded as soon as he decided to end the war in Vietnam.

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