Rassmussen was within 1-2 points in 2016, 2012. They currently report Trump up +2 in national vote. Go out and VOTE.

Posted by EntranceCrazy918


  1. EntranceCrazy918 on

    I just read that mail-in ballots will be roughly 70% fewer in states like Georgia and Arizona this year. If we muster the same turnout as 2020, we win. Let’s aim for even higher.

    Drag every Trump supporting friend, family, distant relative, dog, cat, goose, Cuban migrant, etc. you can.

  2. EntranceCrazy918 on

    2016, 2012, and 2020.* I think they were slightly more than 2 points off in 2020 so I kept it out of the headline.

  3. Just from looking at the rcp electoral map, does Trump really need to win Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia, and Pennsylvania to win? Cause I’m assuming he’s not going to win MI or WI. Georgia seems to be going in his favor finally, it all is coming down to PA it sounds like.

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