That time CBS reported on Jewish American Pedophiles (accused and convicted) fleeing to Israel for safe haven

Posted by fromskintoliquid


  1. fromskintoliquid on

    SS: Those hits just keep on coming, and we don’t have to dig very far. People have been talking about it for a while, but here’s a surprisingly open glimpse by mainstream news into what has more recently been very hushed up.

    Edit: Maybe I’ll do the same with this post, updating it with additional archive links, maybe not, but here’s a juicy one: (From a few years ago, another pedo fleeing to Israel) (Teacher accused and convicted of touching a shitload of kids, also pried out of Israel)

  2. So is there evidence they flee to Israel more than other people flee ro countries they hold passports to for similar crimes? I see zero evidence or even allegations of that. I am not taking sides on the conflict but it is extremely common for people to flee to other countries for the same thing.

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