Yale, Princeton and Duke Are Questioned Over Decline in Asian Students



  1. Pipeinternational3 on

    I thought getting rid of affirmative action would fix this? Without any blacks or hispanics getting in for free, the asian share should go up.

  2. >Asian American enrollment dropped to 29 percent from 35 percent at Duke; to 24 percent from 30 percent at Yale; and to 23.8 percent from 26 percent at Princeton. At the same time, Black enrollment rose to 13 percent from 12 percent at Duke; stayed at 14 percent at Yale; and dropped to 8.9 percent from 9 percent at Princeton.

    With only one year’s worth of data, these numbers do not strike me as massive, or all that significant. I’m curious what the standard deviation in ethnicity by class is. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was 5-10%.

    I will say though, it is going to be intolerable for these schools if they need to fend off litigation each time they enroll a new cohort. I had very mixed feelings about affirmative action, and I was sympathetic to the Asian student litigants. But, these are private institutions. They should not have to defend a fluctuation of class size by a few hundred students absent blatant discrimination.

  3. Conscious_Chicken264 on

    I just cannot imagine as a grown ass adult caring about the number of asian students at Yale, how does this affect my life

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