Johns Hopkins sees ‘significant setback’ as diversity of incoming class drops sharply

Posted by Either_Emotion8056


  1. Ph0ton_1n_a_F0xh0le on

    >Despite maintaining steady socioeconomic diversity, this year’s entering class saw a 19.4 percentage point drop from underrepresented groups — or a 52% decline compared to last year’s incoming freshman.

    Controversial view here but I think socioeconomic diversity is more important and impactful than pure racial diversity for undergrads. I also think that Hopkins’s full rides for Baltimore and DC public school students of low income does a decent job of helping this.

    >Latino and Black students had the sharpest decreases, by 10 and eight percentage points. Hopkins data showed that the percentage of white students who enrolled this year also dropped, while the percentage of Asian Americans rose significantly.

    Pure speculation here but I feel like this might be due to the demographics of Maryland and the DMV in addition to Hopkin’s focus on STEM at the undergrad level.

  2. If the diversity was lost due to a corresponding increase in the race-neutral fairness of the admissions process, I don’t think I’d consider it a setback, on net

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