BC conservatives Would Scrap Zoning Reforms, Keep Rent Control | The Tyee

Posted by coocoo6666


  1. >The BC NDP’s zoning reforms were viewed by a number of local leaders to be a controversial flexing of provincial power. Even those who agreed with the intent behind the changes said they [wanted](https://thetyee.ca/News/2024/02/16/Too-Much-Too-Fast-Say-BC-Mayors-Eby/) a more collaborative rollout.

    >“We need to make sure that we support local government and local democracy and not have it taken away and have it run out of Victoria, as has been done with the current government,” Rustad went on to say.


    >None of the parties have yet released their platforms. But based on previous interviews Rustad has [given](https://www.biv.com/news/real-estate/put-it-down-in-writing-eby-says-housing-specifics-needed-from-rustad-9518868), the BC Conservative plan appears to allow municipalities to set out the density they want to see as part of their official community plans. This is opposed to the BC NDP legislation that permits the densification of all single-family lots, regardless of local plans.

    >“It allows when people buy houses to be able to see in the distance what the city is thinking of in the next 10, 20 or 30 years, as opposed to the chaotic approach that’s happening with the government of British Columbia and its policies,” Rustad said in his speech.


    >“What my hope is, over the long term, we need to significantly build out rent capacity in British Columbia so that the market can stabilize, so they can put a reasonable amount of vacancy that’ll help to stabilize prices and bring down prices.”

    >But that doesn’t mean Rustad is a fan of rent control as a concept.

    >“Once you get to that place [of rent stabilization], then that’s something you need to look at doing, is remove rent control,” he said. “Because the end result of rent control can often be the degradation of your rental stock because you’re not seeing the reinvestment in the units. We need to guard against that.

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