The intent of the 2024 Fake Election News Cycle is to force the public into an Emotional (not using logic) reaction to the candidates; hence, the fake assassination attempt (x2), the cheating scandal with the earrings and getting the questions early and the illogical Volte Face by the MSM/SM over K

The RNC/DNC along with the MSM/SM and DHS/FBI/CIA/NSA/DOD/SS are all trying their best to get americans to vote Red or Blue–it doesn't matter!!! The national debt will go up, the DOD budget will go up and the MSM/SM gets ratings/clicks…They know when voting participation gets under 40% is when revolt happens and we're at 54%–but if they didn't stimulate the public with this Soap Opera BS participation could very well dry up.


The U.S. GOV'T & MSM/SM are the ENEMY of We, the

Anyone who votes for a Democrat or Republican IS ENDORSING THE CORRUPT 2 PARTY SYSTEM.


(2021…21 minutes)

Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot. It confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie & monotonously repeated nonsense have more of an emotional appeal…than logic and reason. While the people are still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault them with another." –Joost Meerloo (quoted in "MASS PSYCHOSIS", link above)

…that quote reminds me of the Fake assassination on Trump–it was designed to create an emotional response and even months later the illogical event (of secret service failing on many levels) doesn't make sense–especially as they keep dripping out more film/video from that day (Limited Hangout).

…on the flip side–you can also think about that quote and Camala…confusing how she went from a VP with no respect and no major accomplishments to All of a Sudden she's leading in the polls and our next potus waiting to be crowned. Camala went from polling at 1% in the 2020 primary to LEADING in the 2024 "election" but she has no accomplishments…her only single trait is she'll do what Obama (CIA) tells her to do!!!

MSM/SM=Main Stream Media/Social Media

Posted by Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX


  1. Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX on

    Obama/DNC didn’t know if they were running Biden or Harris–so they had the raid done last March on Diddy’s…there was also supposed to be Hunter’s trial in early september–but he decided it was best not to go to trial and Hunter flat out plead Guilty at the start of the trial…the SDNY prosecutor obviously could have bumped the Grand Jury forward or back a week to try to knock, say, another poor Kamala interview out of the headlines…then it’s much easier to INSTALL Kamala as Obama’s 4th term in office.

  2. Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX on

    They LIED to us about C19, they LIED to us about the economy, they LIED to us about Bidenflation, they LIED to us about the jobs report, they LIED to us about illegal immigration, they LIED to us about the crime statistics, they LIED to us about Ukraine, they LIED to us about no tanks or F-16’s, they LIED to us about the Nord Stream pipeline…

    Obama KNOWS the only way he gets his 4th Term is by more Dirty Tricks!!!

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