Netanyahu Nuking Lebanon! 90-warhead stockpile from US

Posted by gesaranesara


  1. SS

    90 nuclear warheads, with fissile material stockpiles for about 200 weapons.

    Investigation of Israel’s use of nuclear weapons in Gaza & South Lebanon since 2006:

    Israel has since its attacks on Lebanon in 2006 and those on Gaza in 2008 and 2014, used a new nuclear weapon, one which kills with a high temperature radiation flash and with neutrons. This weapon, which leaves an identification footprint, but no fission products like Caesium-137, was also employed by the USA in Fallujah, Iraq in 2003, and previously in Kosovo.

    The residues, inhalable Uranium aerosol dust, together with the neutron damage to tissues, cause a range of serious and often fatal health effects that puzzle doctors and defy treatment. Without knowing what caused such effects, which often mimic other illnesses or result in fungal infections that kill, doctors are powerless to help and just watch the exposed individuals die.

    In the cases of direct exposures to the flash, parts of the body, arms, legs, places that were not behind significant shielding are burned to blackened sticks. The aerosol Uranium dust is inhaled, destroys the lungs through fibrosis, is translocated to the lymphatic system, and later causes cancers, not only lymphomas and leukemias, but pretty much any cancer as a result of localisation of the Uranium particle in the organ, for example the breast, which has extensive lymphatic vessels. If the particle is coughed up and swallowed, it can end up immobilized in the colon and cause cancer there. 

    APIC and Green Audit are still asking people who drive ambulances down in the South, or live there, to come forward with engine air filters from ambulances driven in bombed areas, samples of long hair (at least 10 cm in length) if they live in bombed areas, and Geiger counter readings and soil samples from bomb craters.


    Nuclear Explosion That Made US Aid to Israel Illegal

    Israel’s nuclear program has been in violation of international law for decades, rendering it ineligible for American assistance.Nuclear Explosion That Makes US Aid to Israel Illegal
    Israel’s nuclear program has been in violation of international law for decades,
    rendering it ineligible for American assistance.

    Nevertheless, US has given Israel so far ~$2.5 BILLION in aid!

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