The Lunar Module looks like a damn elementary school art project. There is no *way* we went to the moon in 1969.

Posted by Princess_Poppy


  1. Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX on

    Well…you can’t deny all the useful technology which has touched our everyday lives that came from the Apollo program–like my suit which keeps me at 72*F even when I’m in -200*F cold or at 200*F!!! Plus we know that a thin sheet of foil will protect us from the van Allen belts.

  2. That’s what I thought when I saw the display in DC. It’s crazy. The stuff looks ridiculous when compared to modern technology that can’t get there. You can’t question it though because all of the same angry voices will silence you and call you names. It’s better to just smile and nod.

  3. wrestlethewalrus on

    To be honest, all the tinfoil makes it more believable in my opinion. Why would Stanley Kubrick not use a better looking lander?

  4. Good luck holding more than 30psi pressure in vacuum with those polygonal welds or whatever that is. We can barely keep airplanes pressurized with the round windows at 9psi

  5. The big box on the side must be the newly invented air conditioner keeping them cool in the 250 degree daytime temps, shame that mystery invention was never released to the public or made again.

  6. I might be dumb but wouldn’t the sky be brighter. Like with stars and other space debris or other planets I could be wrong but that background is extremely black. Plus the ground looks way to smooth again could be wrong but on a serious note where do you get gold foil cuz that shits dope looking.

  7. Funny thing that moon landing supporters say “well, in the 60’s the budget was xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx times bigger than now”, but hey, we are talking something that supposely happened more than 60 years ago. I think that nowadays tech must have surpassed by far the tech to budget ratio needed to go to the moon.

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