NY Times/Siena Polls: Trump Strong in Sun Belt

Posted by blisiondacket


  1. Trump retakes lead in the Sun Belt. Good. Now everyone knows why Kamala who’s been avoiding interviews and pressers suddenly wants a second debate. Their internals are showing the same deficits.

  2. I’ve been saying it since the start of the year and I stand by it:

    Whoever wins Pennsylvania wins the election. And I have no idea how Pennsylvania will play out. I could see either candidate winning by 5% and I wouldn’t be surprised. I could see it coming down to a 2000 Florida margin and I wouldn’t be surprised.

  3. Lifeisagreatteacher on

    After reading the summary, I find it hard to believe that 7 weeks from the election 15% of voters are undecided in any Demographic. They just don’t want to say who they’re voting for. If past polls in previous elections are still the same, the Trump or leaning Trump tend to more silent with pollsters.

  4. I love the /r/politics people down voting this thread as if doing so will mean the poll no longer exists. 

    Good signs. People on the left were getting excited about last weeks pro Harris polls, but this week onwards is what really matters as the debate enthusiasm is starting to wear off and we’re back to reality. 

    We went through this back in August, heaps of good polls for her in the first couple of weeks after she was nominated and then as things cooled down it started to lean Trump again. She is pushing for a late Oct debate to try and repeat that which obviously won’t be happening.

    While I understand different states can have different priorities, I also find it hard to believe that a state like Arizona will be significantly more pro Trump this time around but Pennsylvania will stay exactly the same or lean more towards Harris. 

    At the end of the day Democrats only arguments this election are abortion (not remotely new) and Trump is a facist. Trump being evil was already pushed to 100% last election cycle and that still resulted in an extremely close election.

    If any issues are remotely in Trump’s favour this time (and as we know there are), he should win. 

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