Spot on! Well people do have goldfish memories these days so….

Posted by tristian_lay


  1. “Why wouldn’t there be hope? Everything prepared Beforehand”

    The Light/Melchezidec in the spirit

    The Christ/Messiah in the temporal flesh


    The human made governments of humankind with Demonacracies “i” people leading the way 🤣

    It’s not the working class or the poor that Need to humble themselves,

    But can you really see these “important” lol temporal flesh humans actually doing it?

    Place your bets 🤣

    There is a way higher credit card bill due than 73 trillion or whatever do shortly.

    A highly educated population with no Basic Information Before Leaving Earth, except for the solicited English language beliefs 🤣

    The Light/Melchezidec/Yashua the Messiah/ Jesus the Christ lol hasn’t been a belief/religion since he affirmed, confirmed, fulfilled (Pslam 22) and is The Living Testament of our Father Love’s spoken and written Will in both word and example, in and through (not by lol) our Father Love’s annointed ones, Moses and The Prophets.

    Believe whatsoever you like, or buy into anything that you want, but it is going down exactly as it is Written;

    In The Word in the language in which it was first received, studied with whatever textbook in the language that one Understands.

    Colossians 3 1-11 and just get going ✨️

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