State Sen. Mike McDonnell deflates GOP hopes for Nebraska winner-take-all in 2024

Posted by driedscroll


  1. >McDonnell, of Omaha, said he had heard from people passionate about the issue who live in the Omaha-based 2nd Congressional District. But he said he did not hear enough to move him off his original position against the switch.

    >“Elections should be an opportunity for all voters to be heard, no matter who they are, where they live, or what party they support,” McDonnell said in a statement. “I have taken time to listen carefully to Nebraskans and national leaders on both sides of the issue. After deep consideration, it is clear to me that right now, 43 days from Election Day, is not the moment to make this change.”

    >McDonnell said he told Pillen his stance and suggested that the Legislature put winner-take-all to a vote of the people, as a proposed constitutional amendment, so people can decide the issue “once and for all.”

  2. DrunkenAsparagus on

    I’m far from a Nebraska politics expert, but my understanding is that McDonnell wants to be the mayor of Omaha. If he caves on this, then he can kiss those hopes goodbye. 

  3. CoolNebraskaGal on

    McDonnell is the most obvious, but he’s just the sacrificial lamb. Word on the street is it’s still 3 votes they need including his, but from what I hear from the inside it’s even more. There’s a reason this never got off the ground [when it was brought up almost 4 years ag]( Or in April when Charlie Kirk came to town. Or in the summer when I’m sure Trump was hemming and hawing about it telling them to fix it, and have his lackeys go out and try, try again. This was a show to Trump that they’re doing what they can. If they could have done it, they would have done it already. Glad we can stop hearing about it every few months now. At least until they actually can get off the pot and get it done.

  4. TheloniousMonk15 on

    After getting fucked over by so many years by a guy named McConnell it’s only fitting a guy named McDonnell is the one who potentially saves Democracy.

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