Study: Scholars have debated whether the Holodomor famine in Ukraine (1932–1933) was intentionally targeted towards Ukrainians or inadvertent. New evidence shows that the famine was man-made and that the Stalin regime systematically targeted ethnic Ukrainians across the Soviet Union.

Posted by smurfyjenkins

1 Comment

  1. PrimarchVulkanXVIII on

    I had a great professor once with a PhD in Russian Languages make a pretty interesting retort to people who thought Holodomor wasn’t real; if you only read English language sources, it’s debatable. If you read Russian and were able to access any university archives in Russia, Finland, Poland, Ukraine or Germany, it’s undeniable.

    It seems obvious but the reality is that a good majority of political scientists don’t even speak the languages of the places they debate over. Layman internet arguers tend to be the worst with such serious subjects.

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