Vladimir Putin giving a hint about Western Elites:-“They stuff their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money.”

Posted by THEeight88


  1. There is just 2 sides in control in this world. One is out to elimate the others while the other side is willing to live in peace. But since peace is of the table we are fucked. These people only care about money and ego. We are fucked because of that

  2. GlitteringLocality on

    The west shits on him non stop, however as someone who has lived in Russia.. yes he’s crooked and corrupt but he has morals of the sort. Mafia style morals I suppose. But morals. He has talked extensively about how bad our CIA is, granted his internal agency is pretty bad as well but he is aware.

  3. If he knows some shit.. just say it. Reveal it with whatever information they have. I’m sure they have to have plenty if there is something to reveal.

    No more of this cryptic BS pls

  4. I have a question. Let’s say it’s true. How many people would be ok with them?. Let’s say it’s Trump and Kamala and both sides. Would people revolt?, would people believe when they say it was just from dead people?, or from foreigners in far away lands?, or that they bought the bodies with permission of their family members?, how many people would want them dead?, how many people would defend them?, would the military still take orders from them?, how about if the generals are the same vampires?.

    Something Americans taught me is they will be ok with baby eaters as long as they are being sold as something only people with “freedom” would understand

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