Telegram updates their Terms of Service to announce they’ll now comply with police requests and give up your phone number, IP address, and other information when asked. This is following Pavel Durov’s recent arrest and release. – Bloomberg
Posted by North902
Figure s the leftist won’t be happy until they can censor the fucking brain in your head
Keep trusting private “encrypted” apps.
Why is this being downvoted, should get upvoted so people are aware. The conspiracy is likely just the guy is afraid to get arrested again so now he is selling out his users.
sad, disappointing news.
And I’m sure they will catch all the human traffickers using it now right. I’m holding my breath.
Imma delete my telegram, thanks’
Isn’t he a member of the WEF???
Great now I need a new source to find cocaine.
Telegram was the shit and of course, like all things…gets cracked down. Telegram was just an open dark web. I don’t know much about human trafficking on there but you can literally buy anything in telegram.
I’ll await the new app whatever it is