Florida officials pressure schools to roll back sex ed lessons on contraception and consent

Posted by ghhewh


  1. NightAlternative9896 on

    “Research has shown that comprehensive sex ed is associated with teens waiting longer to have sex for the first time, as well as reduced rates of teen pregnancy and STIs and the prevention of sexual abuse.”

    Wouldn’t these outcomes be the exact thing conservatives want??

  2. >Florida Department of Education officials also told the district to remove the words “abuse, consent, and domestic violence” from a proposed lesson for first graders and replace it with language that’s considered more age-appropriate, such as “talking to a trusted adult when they feel uncomfortable.

    I see we′re replacing ″age appropriate″ with ″disarming children of any semblance of knowledge and their own bodily autonomy″; just talk to a ″trusted adult″! The fact that an adult the child already knows is the one most likely to sexually abuse them, well, that’s just a Conservative feature, not a bug.

    We don’t want kids having any objection to being married off to an adult or telling on a Republican Congress critter!

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