This is a lie that is being put out by the IDF, the same lie they gave to invade Gaza.

Hezbollah mainly fights out of the forests/Mountains of Lebanon, they have several secured strongholds with the notion of not carrying out military expeditions near civilians. They purposefully don't shelter munitions in packed residential neighborhoods for 2 reasons.

1) They know that Israel will use this as a means for permission to invade.

2) There are far too many spies within lebanese territories to do so.

Just look as far as Netanyahus speech that he gave in English with English subtitles, any intelligent person should ask themselves why is he speaking to the Lebanese in English? Why are the subtitles to his video in English?

Watch that video and the rhetoric in the video from Gaza, it is almost word for word.

If any other country in the world was to commit the bomb attacks with the pagers and walkie talkies there would have been non stop coverage of the terrorist entities that did it, and about them needing to face justice.

I will leave by saying, do the people of Lebanon not deserve justice?

Posted by Accurate-Toe-3139


  1. Accurate-Toe-3139 on

    I ask the Western people to help spread our word because we know your media will not.

    Thank you.

    Think about it logically, what person would ever put a rocket launcher near their kids, we love our children, the same way you love yours.

    Edit also before a zio-bot comes and says, but look at the videos on r.combat footage, I have and know far too well that Israel has bombs that also set off secondary and tertiary bombs after it hits.

  2. RomanEmpireNeverFell on

    “If we destroy a civilian home we pinky swear it was actually a terrorist base” that’s such a blatant lie it’s depressing.

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