You Wake Up On November 6 And The Map Looks Like This, What Do You Do?

Posted by commentingrobot


  1. Continue to bitch about the electoral college until I’m blue in the face because Harris would likely have still won the popular vote by 2-3 points here.

  2. Use all the swear words I know, then brush up on my Spanish for a backup plan and some extra swear words.

  3. Have an anchor baby in Latin America so we can move there on a dime with permanent residency if the USA becomes a dictatorship

  4. I’m from outside the US.

    Curious why a ‘neoliberal’ sub which I would traditionally associate with a pro-business ideology would be not be supporting the political right?

  5. turb0_encapsulator on

    we stage the reverse of the “Brooks Brothers” riot in whatever state is closest. I am done with playing on a tilted playing field.

  6. This map isn’t likely. Most polls show Harris 5 to 10 points ahead of Trump in Nebraska’s 2nd congressional district. Not one major poll shows Trump winning that district.

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