Churches Pay NO Taxes!!!

Posted by Alt_Charge30


  1. deciduousredcoat on

    Churches pay no taxes because they’re non-profits. Are you suggesting we make non-profits pay taxes?

    For what it’s worth, I’d agree with that, I’m just unclear on the argument being made here.

  2. Psychological-Dig-29 on

    You got $814B actually.. considering you’re lumping all the churches together, you should lump all the people together.

    7.3b total for all churches combined is significantly less than what you got.

  3. Common-Car-2181 on

    The church isn’t your enemy, sure they are strict with their rules but they work for the greater good and prosperity.

    Take away the church and some other political or religious group will push to replace it.

    In the UK Islam is growing in strength every day, Christianity has been weakened and pushed out over the last few decades.

  4. So you’re mad that churches pay no taxes? I’m more angry that we all are paying taxes when the government has been printing money out of nothing. We should all be like churches and not paying taxes.

  5. They pay property taxes, sales taxes and contribute to charity works. The money they get from parishioners was already taxed to death.

  6. The 501c3 status for churches is a trap. Churches that sign on to this have compromised themselves and are essentially agents of the state:

    FEMA: Clergy Response Teams

    Pastors to help DHS in arrests and detention of Americans in FEMA Camps

    Should Churches Be Under the 501(c)(3)?

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