You still believe in “intelligence failure from the Mossad” ? Wake up. – They planted bombs in thousands of pagers – They killed Nasrallah in Lebanon, Haniyeh in Iran and Qassem Suleimani in Irak And yet, there are still some people who believe that Israël didn’t see October 7th coming?

Posted by pacmanpill


  1. Israel orchestrated 10/7. Two weeks before the attack Netanyahu presented a map of Israel to the U.N. without the WB & Gaza. The only videos we’ve seen are the girl (soldier) on the back of the motorcycle and people ducking for cover at the music festival that look staged.

  2. Israel 100% orchestrated October 7th. They haven’t had any excuse to ethnically cleanse the area for the last few decades. October 7th was 100% Israeli orchestrated and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had double agents in Hamas who assisted in the attack

  3. Whether it’s true or not, it came at such an opportune time for Netanyahu and he is milking it to the extreme. He’s stalling his own corruption case, but is digging himself a bigger hole, or should I say abyss from hell: war crimes and genocide.

  4. Sad-Armadillo2280 on

    There’s effectively a 100% chance that 10/7 was nothing more than a **Northwoods-style false flag**.

  5. Vivid-pineapple-5765 on

    Yes! I keep saying this. How did the best defense in the world not know Hamas was training for 2 years across the border for this? They allowed, even orchestrated this to happen. I feel bad for all the civilians in those regions. Completely disposable to them while being sold lies.

  6. Considering Oct. 7th became the beginning of the end for Israel, I highly doubt they did it themselves.

  7. spez_sucks_ballz on

    What’s the difference between 10/7 and 9/11? Nothing, they were both false flags orchestrated by Israel.

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