The Meadows is supposedly exclusive: a high-profile facility where Hollywood A-listers and other celebrities go to confront their inner demons and their addictions. Pia Mellody runs it but she has no degrees and no educational credentials! I was unable to locate any current pictures or any bio on Pia. So how does someone with no formal training, education or treatment license get to manage a very high priced treatment facility that attracts A-Listers?

There are vast allegations of sexual abuse from former patients including a woman who sued named Ruth Hinkle.

Pia's husband Pat Mellody admitted to having sex with his patient (Ruth Hinkle) and she sued, he lost his license.

"There's no dispute that Pat Mellody and Hinkle had sex at The Meadows, court records and interviews show. 

The Mellodys admitted it in a lawsuit sealed from public view for three decades, an investigation by The Arizona Republic found.

The Mellodys said in court filings that at least two sexual encounters occurred between Pat Mellody and Hinkle. They contended the sex was consensual.

It wasn't the sex that Hinkle said upended her life. It's what the Mellodys did afterward that she said derailed her career, exposed intimate details of her life to strangers and led her to attempt suicide.

She said Pat Mellody was her employer and also had acted as her therapist. She said he forced her to publicly confess details of their sexual encounters, first to several employees and then to her husband and her high-school-aged son in a room full of co-workers. The lawsuit, while 30 years old, calls into question a signature treatment used there today. Hinkle said the method involves a "humiliating" mixture of public shaming and confrontation between families and patients."

Pia Mellody has no license to lose – so she is still in operation today! "The Meadows methodologies also have been called into question in other lawsuits and complaints against The Meadows, including wrongful-death cases brought by families of people who killed themselves during or after treatment. 

Over the years, The Meadows has received almost no scrutiny outside of celebrity journals, whose focus rarely strays beyond who, how much and what details can be gleaned about daily routines on the closed campus. Public complaints are mostly limited to online forums. Lawsuits have been settled, court records sealed and public investigations quietly closed." No doubt this treatment center is some kind of dark operation designed to traumatize patients and steal all their money.

You may want to review your options before going here for any treatment of any kind. At least read the reviews by former patients to be informed.

BTW: When you look up The Meadows on reddit there are multiple comments about veterans, drug/alcohol addicts and eating disordered people talking about signing up at The Meadows so many do not know how dangerous this facility is.

Posted by missscarlett1977

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