Season 5, episode 1 . Where Jerry and Elaine have sex to save the relationship.

SS. Boy lover logo can clearly be seen on the bedside lamp in Seinfeld, as we know they like to hide things in plain site, oddly enough I tried to watch eyes wide shut tonight and couldn’t find any streaming platform with it connected to my smart tv. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Posted by blu-gold


  1. I’m gonna go with “probably not” for this one. Several reasons why:

    1.) There’s many very similar symbols on the lamp but they largely seem to differ.

    2.) The boy lover symbol you are referencing creates 5 sharp angles. This symbol only creates 4. idk if this would matter in “boy-loving circles” but it’s a noticeable difference to me.

    3.) The boy lover symbol you are referencing opens on the left, then has a line going to the right. This opens on the right and has a line going to the left.

    4.) Seinfeld very rarely had children on the show. I know it happened now and then but compared to most sitcoms it was super, super rare. I don’t even remember any at all.

  2. I’m on board with all the elites being taken down, but please leave Seinfeld and Curb alone. Please, I gave you Woody Allen

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