The Museum of Neoliberalism Is Being Bulldozed to Make Way for Luxury Flats

Posted by geniice


  1. And of course I couldn’t be happier although the guy behind it does appear to have put more effort in than I expected.

  2. SharkSymphony on

    The following was found scrawled on a Burger King wrapper at the scene:

    > _The museum of neoliberalism._ That’s my blunt message. I could probably close my exhibit at this point and it wouldn’t really matter. My point is clear and you likely already got the gist of what I want to say. I have nothing positive to add to the museum of neoliberalism, and to be perfectly honest, I’m quite sick of having to think about it. I’ve simply had enough.

  3. Hexadecimal15 on

    Based but why would you build luxury flats in impoverished Lewisham of all places? There’s probably more demand for luxury flats in rural Mozambique

    We need more construction projects in the square mile honestly but annoying morons keep saying that’s it’s a BuSiNeSs DiStRiCt so we can’t build there

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