Opinion | The People Fleeing Climate Disasters Are Going to Transform the American South (Gift Article)

Posted by Rigiglio

1 Comment

  1. bleachinjection on

    Living and working in a rural area with different and less severe climate impacts (warmer winters, less snow mainly), it’s nevertheless fascinating to watch people react to this. They will sort of acknowledge *something* is different and they will change their behaviors as a result to some extent (e.g. hospitality businesses built on winter recreation taking proactive steps to diversify), but very few will *actually come out and name the issue.* It’s sort of like, “idk weather’s weird and getting weirder, what can ya do, don’t like it wait five minutes lolrofl!” Worth pointing out the politicians, even of the party these areas tend to elect, will behave precisely this way too.

    I point this out because we’re not going to be able to manage this anywhere, but especially in more rural areas, until we suck it up and name it. The question is will we be able to do that before it gets as bad as it’s going to get?

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