This is 100% true. Any change in climate is due to an increase in solar activity. 'Man made' climate change doesn't exist, it's a hoax.

Posted by SolutionLong2791


  1. FeatureSignificant72 on

    So let me get this straight… the study says human activity impacts the climate, and then some “climate skeptics” reinterpret the data and come to the opposite conclusion? Are we serious?

  2. VincentFostersGhost on

    > IPCC has misrepresented, and potentially falsified, CERES, data on solar and long-wave radiation to fit the prevailing narrative of human-induced climate change, specifically by inverting trends in solar energy absorption.

    THIS has been going on for decades. Remove the financial (greed) from the grant-based science framework and the narrative would NOT be the same . Fear sells, ask Al Gore 🙂

  3. PrestigiousWeakness2 on

    The thing that gets me is, for millions of years, the climate has changed. That’s why the ice age was a thing, along with the hot periods. This isn’t new, it’s new to us because we haven’t been here.

  4. Communalbuttplug on

    One volcano having a mild eruption releases more co2 than all of human kind since they discovered fire.

    The vast majority of biomass on earth breathes in co2 and releases oxygen.

    If trees started producing more oxygen how would that impact other life? It would benefit them, they would breath deeper and harder and as result produce more co2.

    Life on earth would flourish.

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