The Reason Americans are being Denied by FEMA to help other Americans is because it is all about Money. “Preferred Vendors” are only allowed to “help people.”

Posted by icleus


  1. SS; Very disturbing news about how helping disaster victims is all being turned for profit. People are coming forward about how corrupt FEMA is along with this administration. People are suffering while “preferred vendors” and exploiting opportunities. The system is sick and both Biden and Harris are doing nothing about this. They are sending more money to Israel and Ukraine than helping their own Americans.


  2. Eastern Kentucky dealt with FEMA’s bullshit back when we got hit with thr flood in 2022. They didnt help either. Only thing they did was examined the damages and started going house to house and condemning them. Big mistake. Alot of hillbillies here, alot of carpenters. Alot of buildings was safe but FEMA said it was unlivable. People was basicslly forced homeless. Few weeks later, FEMA contacted those people and offered $2000-$5000 for the homes and properties. Local government took that offer on some of the business’s and few people follow suit as well until they learned if they waited, they would have legally got over $10,000.

    Some people i know scsmmed the fuck out of FEMA. They were very lucky national guard was there or it would not have been a pretty visit. They tried to assess my properties and i told them “go away, we are good”.

    In todays day and age, no matter if your black or white, red or blue, the government does not care about us. We now see they only care about the illegal aliens, not Americans. It is time we become ungovernable. Time to bring back the militias.

  3. Crazy system that we are trying to operate in. Surely something has to be done about stuff like this.

  4. Kingofqueenanne on

    I fucking love reading this anecdote. Not because of the shitty way FEMA operates — but because the guy recounts how he just flipped them the bird and completely bypassed them and helped citizens anyway. He wasn’t stopped nor arrested.

    The hypnosis we have all been under since around WWII that our government is mighty and just and effective and authoritative is wafting away like a fart. Thank god for that.

    We all need to just start doing what makes sense on a local and community level — if what we do is edifying and not infringing on anyone’s “life, liberty or pursuit of happiness,” then these idiot bureaucrats can go pound sand.

  5. Historical-Classic43 on

    Crazy. I was vacationing in the keys literally a week before this . Timing .. a wild thing …

  6. How could law inforcement sleep after turning away semis full of supplies! Everything is about money and favors. It’s just sickens me that it happens at the expense of fellow Americans who are going through tragedy. Thank you Op for doing what you’re doing!

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