Many falsely believe that the Federal Reserve is somehow a governmental body because of the word "federal". It is not. It's a private banking cartel that was clandestinely conceived in 1910 at a private retreat for the most elite bankers of the day located on Jekyll Island. The legislation that handed control of the entire US money supply to this cartel was passed through congress during Christmas break in 1913 because they had to have as few members of congress present as possible during the vote to even get the thing through. It is an exploitative debt-based system which should be abolished. The only purposes it serves are to enrich bankers and destabilize the world through the funding of wars and civil unrest.

This video is my favorite explanation of the topic and includes an extremely interesting interview at the end that brings up the roll of native giants on that island before the bankers took it over for use as a headquarters for their devious plots and diabolical schemes. The Titanic Secret of Jekyll Island

Posted by Faintly-Painterly

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