Electoral College math on the importance of Pennsylvania. It’s not enough by itself (if no other state flips from 2020 results), but PA plus Georgia would be enough if all else holds. Without PA, path to victory is very narrow. Source in comments.

Posted by Jscott1986


  1. HuntForRedOctober2 on

    My fellow Pennsylvania republicans and myself are doing everything we can guys 🫡 . All we need is North Carolina and Georgia brothers and sisters to come through as well. Then the night can end and the sun rise.

  2. Trump is not going to flip Michigan, so if he doesn’t win PA, then he needs WI, GA, AZ, and NV.

    Basically, it all comes down to PA.

  3. The most likely path is not shown here, and does not include Pennsylvania. It is the 2020 wins plus Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin. Wisconsin is more likely for Trump to win than Pennsylvania for one simple reason, he did better in Wisconsin in both of his previous elections than he did in Pennsylvania. Wisconsin has had some of the most inaccurately skewed polling towards the Dems out of all the swing states, but in the final results, Trump did slightly better there than in Pennsylvania both times.

    2020 wins plus Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin get Trump to 272. Pennsylvania’s 19 votes would just be gravy on top of that. Pennsylvania, though, can be an effective substitute for losing any other swing state, since it has the most EVs out of them all.

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