“It’s gonna be horrible”: a 42-metre relay antenna soon to be installed *near* the listed Château de Fénelon



  1. Saw it on rFrance and had to share it.

    Intense case of rural NIMBYsm, both from the anti-5G cookie cutter left who left the big capitalist town, old millionaire pensioners and a literal castle owner.

  2. Discord reigns in the valley around Château de Fénelon, perched in the heart of Périgord Noir. On June 28, on the eve of the start of the tourist season, the Sainte-Mondane town hall posted a prior declaration decree announcing that Orange was preparing to install a relay antenna in the commune. The chosen location? Only 650 meters from the Château de Fénelon, according to its owners; 700 meters, according to the mayor of the village, whose appeal lies in this jewel overlooking the Dordogne.

    The 11th-century fortress has been classified as a “Maison des illustres” (the birthplace of theologian François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon, Duke of Cambrai and Academician) since 1651, and has also been a listed historic monument since 1962. But Gilles Arpaillange, the mayor of Sainte-Mondane, who was under no legal obligation to do so, admits to Le Figaro that he did not inform his 264 constituents that they had two months in which to object to the prior declaration order. “We’re in a white zone that should disappear by the end of 2030. We proposed several sites to Orange, and they chose the Fénelon site. I told them, ‘Be careful of the château. But this antenna is vital for the commune, so it has to be put somewhere. It’s like when I approve a building permit, I don’t take my drum and go round it,” explains the local politician.

    It’s a scandal,” retorts Jean-Luc Delautre, the owner since 1989 of the fortress whose first stones were laid in the 11th century. We’re constantly being informed about trifles, and now a metal minaret is going to grow 650 meters from the castle, in a protected area, and it’s being done behind our backs? Who goes to the town hall to check the new bylaws? Who reads the signs on the roads that nobody uses?” The method and its timing shock even the neighboring village. “This mayor has gone beyond the bounds of propriety: he knew full well that the châtelains wouldn’t want it, and he slyly took advantage of the tourist season that keeps them busy”, criticizes Anne Cresson, a resident of Veyrignac.

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