do you know the reason?

Posted by kappusha


  1. Is probably not mono-causal. Some reasons come to mind:

    * Capital markets are not liquid enough
    * Over-boarding regulation (try to find out how to sell a digital service in the EU and comply with tax laws)
    * Not large enough market. In the US, you can basically scale your MVP to over 300 Million Users. In the EU, you still have to make a lot more local adjustments

  2. ReallyAMiddleAgedMan on

    The population argument I think is really overstated. Just because a German or French Google couldn’t compete head-to-head with Google doesn’t mean they couldn’t exist in their own market.

    South Korea’s population is about 50 million. They have Naver. They have Kakao. South Korean sites can’t even expand into North Korea and there’s nobody else who uses the language. German sites could expand into Austria and Switzerland. French sites could expand into Belgium and Switzerland (even more if you look at Francophone nations outside of Europe).

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