New World Order

Posted by Pagan_Fire


  1. QuetzalcoatlReturns on

    That’s the EU building which is modelled on the Tower of Babel, originally built by Nimrod.

  2. It’s ironic on a high level. What a neat discussion piece for a high school social studies class.

    By the way, notice anything about the skin tones of the human figures?

  3. I think they are freemasons since they are shown as builders. To my limited understanding, Nimrod was actually one of the first freemasons. And one theory is that he built the tower not to touch the sky and point a finger at God, but instead he built the tower so that it would be tall enough to survive the great flood

  4. Yeah babylon, satanism, etc etc.

    The real truth is in bottom left corner.

    >!Babies start with a round head. With all the programming that these satanist do. They will turn that baby in square heads like their parents.!<

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